Mission & Vision

Mission Statement

Bike Walk Montana makes walking, biking and rolling, whether for transportation or recreation, safe and accessible within and between our communities.

Vision Statement

Montana is a bike-walk friendly state with innovative, safe and accessible active transportation choices for people of all ages and abilities. Walking, rolling and bicycling are well integrated into mainstream and safe transportation and recreation systems.  As a result, Montanans enjoy an enhanced quality of life with a vibrant economy, cleaner environment and better health.

Guiding Principles:

  • All people have the right to safe, comfortable and convenient transportation options including traveling by self-power on public highways.

  • Safe bicycling and walking increases through education, advocacy, community engagement,  appropriate legislation, and improved infrastructure.

  • Bicycling and walking provide a simple and cost effective way to improve public health and the environment, ease traffic congestion, and promote recreation.

  • Bicycling and walking supports economic development and travel tourism.

  • Diversity is critical to developing a strong bicycling and walking community.

Strategic Plan

program & operations plan 2020

Focus Areas

  • Education – Provide the skills and knowledge to empower people to bike, walk, and roll.

  • Advocacy – Encourage and empower local and state organizations and individuals to act for a more bike and walk friendly Montana.

  • Laws and Legislation – Improve local and state transportation laws, funding, and policies related to bicycling and walking.

  • Outreach – Support programs and events to communicate Bike Walk Montana goals, outcomes and increase membership support.

  • Organizational Sustainability – Operate BWMT in a sustainable, effective, and healthy manner.


Goal #1 Provide Educational Resources : Develop and distribute educational materials for diverse populations of all ages across Montana.

Goal #2: Be an Expert Resource for Community Design Education Related to Bicycling and Walking : Lead the effort to provide resources and educate communities on active transportation design for safe, convenient and accessible bicycling and walking. 


Goal #1: Organized Advocacy Network: Recruit, educate, mobilize, and empower organizations, groups, and individuals to participate in transportation related public policy advocacy, funding and program decision making.

Goal #2:  Government, Private, and Non-Profit Partnerships: Partner and coordinate advocacy efforts with entities working on active transportation-related issues. Advocate for better accommodation of bicyclists and pedestrians within internal policies and procedures of State and other agencies.

Goal #3: Advocacy Agenda: Set legislative, policy and funding agenda for advocacy at the state level.  Remain aware of and engaged in national advocacy campaigns.

Goal #4: Equity: Engage, empower, and increase advocates within both urban and rural communities with health, racial, socio-economic status, and safety disparities.

Goal #5: Bicycle and Walk Friendly State: Advocate and promote bike and walk-friendly criteria for businesses, communities, and universities to increase Montana’s standing as a bike and walk - friendly state.

Goal #6:  Development of Local and Regional Communities: Grow, support, and promote local Bike Walk community partnerships and statewide peer communities.

Laws and Legislation

Goal #1: Elected officials: Educate and inform local, county, and state elected officials.

Goal #2: Voter education: Educate and inform voters and stakeholders regarding bicycling and pedestrian safety laws and legislation and bike and walk friendly regulations.

Goal #3: Legislation: Provide support for pro biking and walking legislation, increase active transportation safety, funding and access.


Goal #1: Expand the Visibility of Bike Walk MT: Promote the visibility of Bike Walk MT through  expanded branding and distribution of Bike Walk MT materials.

Goal # 2: Membership support: Provide responsive and timely membership service.

Goal #3: Support Bicycling and Walking Events in Montana: Hold and support events that advance bicycling and walking in Montana.

Goal # 4: Provide calendar of active transportation events in Montana: Create or link to effective and comprehensive calendars of bicycling and walking events in Montana.

Organizational Sustainability

Goal #1: Staff: Hire, train, and manage staff effectively and appropriately.

Goal #2: Financial Stability: Achieve organizational financial stability by increasing membership support, project specific funding and general operating funding.

Goal #3: Board of Directors: Maintain a full and active Board of Directors