MDOT Hires New Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator

We, and many other advocates across Montana, have been asking MDOT to fill their Bike/Ped Coordinator with an employee dedicated solely to advancing the opportunities, safety and cause of active transportation in Montana for several years. These duties have been spread over a number of employees, including Sheila Ludlow, who has been covering the position part time. We are so pleased to welcome Karen Grosulak-McCord as the new coordinator and to Montana.

Here’s Karen’s bio: “Karen comes to MDT with a background in travel and tourism, non-profit marketing and communications, and is finishing up a BS in Geography and Geospatial Science at Oregon State University. Originally from Oregon, she is excited to be a new resident of Helena and is committed to fully understanding Montana’s unique walking and biking needs. As a one-car household between she and her spouse, Karen has a personal connection to pedestrian concerns. She is also a recreational cyclist, Portland Trail Blazers fan, and spends her free time with her husband and two cats.”

Karen will be integral in working with the working group, along with other MDOT staff. She can be reached at or 406-444-9273.

We thank Sheila Ludlow for her efforts in providing great information, support and her quiet enthusiasm for bicycling and walking in Montana. We know she will remain supportive of Montana’s non-motorized travelers! Thank you Sheila!